The Haunting of Alice Rose

Saturday was a great day. We got to work again with Alice Rose at the NY Central Terminal in Buffalo. It was a gloomy day outside so the window light was soft and yummy. The majority of the images were shot with just the ambient light. Some were shot with a combination of ambient light and an off camera speedlight zoomed in through a small soft box. Our "escort" in the building was Chris Podosek who is the director of Communications at the Terminal. Chris is a great guy. He's working hard to get the word out about the Terminal. Chris was instrumental in getting us in there to shoot. Thank's Chris, without you this project would never have happened. Jessica Jean was the makeup artist who is also a model. She is so easy to work with, and did a great job. Jessica has beautiful blue eyes and a warm smile. I hope we get to work with her again, either as a MUA or a model. And lastly we want to thank The amazing Alice Rose. I can't remember working with anyone as beautiful, cooperative, friendly and professional as she.
A wise man once said, "Do what you love and you'll never work a day in your life".
I haven't worked a day in twenty years...... just ask Snjezana.
I hope you enjoy the samples and slideshow.

This image above took first place at last night's Buffalo chapter PPSNYS monthly print compitition at Villa Maria College.

I Knew this place was haunted!

Orchard Park Rubgy Game slide show

We went to our first Rugby game today. Rugby is fun.Jeff took same great shots of the game.Little rough for me.

"Mayhem" visits FCI

I just wanted to share some images from a model test shoot in the studio. the model (Alice Rose) came to us through the Model Mayhem website.
We brought her in for a project at the New York Central Terminal in Buffalo. We're shooting at the Terminal Saturday May 16, 2009. We are very excited at the chance to work inside such a historic and notoriously haunted structure. Alice Rose is wonderful to work with. She has great model instincts, an intuitive poser and is always aware of her key light. I highly recommend her to work with. Stay tuned to future posts for samples of the "real" shoot. We can't wait! - Jeff

Mina High School Senior slide show

High School Sessions are so much fun. Enjoy another great session.

About Us

My photo
I came from Croatia where I fell in love with photography very early. My first job was at a local TV Station which was also a photography studio. I worked as an on-air anchor and program manager. This is where I got into photography too. I came to America in May of 2000. I landed in Buffalo NY where I found a job and a husband at a photo studio. Jeff is a native of the Western New York area, growing up in Orchard Park. His photography career has taken him all over the country from New England to California with multiple locations in between, also including parts of the Carribean and South Florida.